
Differentiated learning gives kids the opportunity to explore our teaching themes.

As soon as they arrive in school, Primary children begin their day with free play within their three distinct rooms. Our children practice how to be friends, share, explore, try new things, cooperate, and learn how to be part of a larger community. The essence of this program is to get children off to a positive and successful start in their education.

Helping Primaries navigate the social aspects of school, as well as learn the structure and expectations of the group experience, is our teachers’ most important role. Our day continues as the children are divided into smaller groups for learning circle and snack. Our team teaching allows us to divide our children once again into even smaller groups to share a story and to complete an art project which reflects the learning circle topic.

Gateway’s unique combination of team teaching and a differentiated learning approach helps us achieve our goal of providing a joyful learning experience. Beginning in the larger group circle and ending in the small group setting, Primary children are taught through visual, oral and hands-on experiences.

The morning program concludes with active play on one of our playgrounds. When asked, most Primaries would say this is their favorite school activity, and we make sure they have a healthy dose of exercise daily. Our bucolic playgrounds allow for imaginative play and fun.